Diary: March 2023

Diary: March 2023

My diary posts are the place for a bit of my news, poetry community news, plus my adventures in creativity

Apparently there’s an anonymous saying in the U.K. “When March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb.” Feels to me like it came in like a lamb so what does that mean for us? The Cressingham crocuses, see February diary post, have all but shrivelled up. In this time between winter and spring, with the the push and pull of seasons, like a tug of war of the gods, it feels some days like winter is winning. 

Do we feel it and respond? I reckon we do. Today was the first day since forever I woke feeling fresh and energised in contrast to (according the new mental health monitoring system: making notes of waking state) “aching all over”, “slept baaaaad,” “in groggsville!” or “mood on the floor” and “brain fog til 5pm”

Yet then I notice the “bad days” are less frequent than I thought and actually what I thought was just bouncing off the bottom for months is more like a gradual bumpety, bumpety rise; so don’t be wondering if it’s time to call in the mental health team. Though I am a week late with this…

March the 8th was of course international women’s day, always an uplifting moment. I made this. It might make its was into insta if I can find the time and energy because in all seriousness the last few months have been a struggle. Not sure what this is? Collage? Montage? Visual poem? You decide.

That evening pulled on big boots, new latex black kecks and a frock and attended Dis-Ordered Minds with marvellous readings from Sue Johns and Sara Levy. It took place just up the road in Camberwell. T’was a night when wind whipped umbrellas inside out and the rain pooled in the gutters but there was a full house. A tribute to the talent of these writers’ who presented work from their MA Writing Poetry portfolios.

Sooooo what else is coming up in my poetry world this month? Actually more like this week as I feel woefully behind with everything. A quick round up. 

Tuesday 21st March Corrupted Poetry launch their anthology of visual verse Living With Other People 7.00pm at Chener Books 7.00- 9.00pm 14 Lordship Lane London SE22

Wednesday 22nd March Loose Muse returns —for one night only— featuring: Agnes Meadows, Sue Johns, Joolz Sparkes, Hilaire, Racheal Joseph and Charlotte Ansell at The Sun, 21 Drury Lane, Covent Garden WC2 7.00- 10.00pm

If that’s not enough excitement…

Saturday 25th March Poets for the Planet hold Candle Write for Earth Hour at 8.30-9.30pm and warmly invite you to take part by writing an ecopoem by candlelight during Earth Hour. There are prompts on the website and a series of short workshops between 8.00pm and 8.30pm, with each workshop followed by an hour of writing by candlelight. Register for workshops on the website. 

More info here:

Earth Hour is a global event organised by the World Wildlife Fund. They are calling on people do anything for the planet during this hour. They write, “Earth Hour is your time to switch off from distractions and focus on our world… to reset, recharge and re-evaluate how we can continue standing up for our world every day.” We can all be part of this. More info here: https://www.wwf.org.uk/earth-hour

Events are taking place across the world from China to Bolivia, here’s the list: https://www.earthhour.org/take-part/events

#amwriting some pretty dark stuff based on childhood memories, it’s less writing as therapy as writing to create a healthy detachment and acceptance 

#amreading a whole bunch of poetry collections most recently The Room Between Us by Denise Saul and No more Fairy Tales: stories to save our planet – an anthology from Habitat Press edited by D.A. Baden

A blog post by Anne Enith Cooper 

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