Comment: Coming out of Lockdown, Keep Calm & Breathe

Comment: Coming out of Lockdown, Keep Calm & Breathe

As we move towards coming out of lockdown, again—maybe, maybe not—whilst it can be a relief and reason for joy at the same time there can be many ways this can also be a source of stress. Especially given the high profile reporting of virus variants, varying reported reactions to the virus itself.  There are so many uncertainties; will it last? Are we really safe? Are vaccines safe for me? Will they work? 

These times are likely to be very anxiety inducing for many. If you haven’t experienced clinical anxiety before it can be a frightening experience. As the sympathetic nervous system kicks in, releasing adrenaline and cortisol into your body. Your heart starts racing, you might start sweating or shaking, feel tense or a sensation like an electric shock in the case of a full blown panic attack. I know this feeling well! 

This is the body’s fight, flight or freeze response taking over. It’s is an ancient response designed to help you if facing a sabre toothed tiger. It’s not designed to respond to most modern stresses and won’t help with the fear of catching a virus as the anxiety producing chemicals surge around your body if not dispersed by physical action or soothed. 

The NHS recommend a technique called 7/11 breathing. I prefer this, a method that works for me: breathe out as fully as you can then breathe in through the nose and count to five. Breathe out through the mouth and count to ten. If you are very tense this might be difficult start with three in and six out and gradually lengthen the breaths and if you want introduce a pause at the end of each breath. You can do this standing up, sitting or laying down. I try to do this do using the yoga position the Child’s pose for about 10 minutes every day.

If you can’t get all the way to the floor there are variations of this that work just as well see

This is a powerful way to soothe and overcome any anxieties at this time. It will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system and calm you down. If you are just a little anxious doing this for a few minutes will probably be enough. If you are experiencing severe anxiety set a timer and do the breathing exercise in a position that is comfortable for 20-30 minutes once or twice a day.

It also serves as a detoxing method which will boost your immune system giving your body a better chance to fight off he virus and other infections. Breathe your way to well being.

Here’s the sciencey bit

A blog post by Anne Enith Cooper

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